Vita Plex-B
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Vita Plex-B

Vitamin B complex caplet for health maintenance

Packaging: 10 caplets.


VITA PLEX-B is a caplet rich in vitamin B-Complex to helps improve appetite and enhance body resistance against diseases so bird becomes healthy and active.

  • Improves appetite and absorption of nutrition in digestive system
  • Promotes health after recovery from illness and after administration of strong medicines
  • Enhances body resistance against diseases
Dosage and Administration

The tablet is placed in the bird's mouth and pushed into the throat, or crushed and mixed with feed or dissolved in drinking water.

  • Big bird: 1 caplet per day
  • Small bird: ½ caplets per day

VITA PLEX-B may be administered for 2 – 3 consecutive weeks or may be continued to a couple of weeks, if necessary

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