Chemical Laboratory

The Chemical Laboratory provides services designed to ensure the quality of feed and water. Tests include nutrient analysis, homogeneity, mycotoxin levels, and other parameters such as moisture, protein, fat, minerals, and energy in feed. Using a systematic and data-driven approach, we help farmers consistently maintain feed and water quality. This service supports informed decision-making to optimize livestock productivity, enhance maintenance efficiency, and prevent potential losses caused by declining livestock performance.

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Chemical Laboratory Testing

Feed Quality Testing

Feed is the cornerstone of livestock productivity. Feed quality testing ensures nutrition, homogeneity, and freedom from mycotoxins, supporting optimal growth, production efficiency, and animal health.

Benefits of Feed Quality Control
Ensure nutrient content
Evaluate feed homogeneity
Establish a feed quality database
Maintain optimal productivity
Feed test case tracing
Key Feed Quality Parameters to Test
Moisture Content
Crude Fiber
Crude Protein
Ash (Minerals)
Crude Fat
Calcium and Phosphorus
Mycotoxin Levels (Fungal Toxins)
Energy Levels
Salt Levels (NaCl)
Water Quality Testing

Water quality testing ensures water is safe as a primary livestock nutrient, solvent medium, and free from physical, chemical, and bacteriological contamination, supporting optimal productivity and animal health.

Benefits of Water Quality Testing
Identify chemical content in water
Detect microbial contamination in water
Guide appropriate water treatment
Water Quality Parameters Tested
Physical (Visual) Assess water color, odor, and clarity.
pH Level
Nitrate Level
Nitrite Level
Hardness Level
Iron Content
Identify bacterial contamination, such as Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Salmonella sp. Excessive levels of these bacteria can affect poultry health, with E. coli contamination potentially leading to colibacillosis.
Testing Tools Used

Advancing Quality Through Trusted Testing

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