Medistress Plus
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Medistress Plus

Multivitamins + electrolytes + selenium
Packaging : 250 g


MEDISTRESS PLUS is a water soluble powder containing multivitamins and electrolytes needed by poultry to overcome stress.

  • Increase immunity and prevent cell damage.
  • Prevent time stress: before and after vaccination, after beak trimming, moving cages, feed changing, bad weather and feather loss.
  • Prevents vitamins deficiencies in chickens for optimum growth, egg production and feather growth
  • Accelerates recovery after illness and after administration of antibiotics
Dosage and Administration
  • To prevent stress before and after vaccination: 1 g per 1 liter of drinking water, given for 2 days
  • To prevent stress after moving cages, during bad weather, changing rations, impaired growth, decreased egg production and recovery of health after illness: 1 g per 2 liters of drinking water, given for 7-10 consecutive days

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