Main Water Supply
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Main Water Supply


A tool used for delivering water from a torn to a water line drinker. Equipped with a filter, dosatron mechanical pump, and a water meter to record water discharge.


Main water supply has several functions:

  • Torn as a source of drinking water for chickens. The minimum height of the torn is 2 – 3 meters. To prevent the warming of torn water from the sun, the torn must be protected with a roof or the torn must be painted white so it can reflects the sun’s heat.
  • Watermeter to measure the amount of water consumption
  • Filters to filter water from dirt sediment & prevent clogging in the nipple drinker.
  • Pressure Meter to measure water pressure. This item is optional (not required to be installed).
  • Medicator to give antibiotics, vitamins, or vaccines automatically into the water pipe line. Medicator is able to regulate the amount of drug dispensed, for example on a scale of 1%, which means 1 ml of medicine for every 100 ml of drinking water.

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