Variety of Goat Breeds in Foreign Countries

Goats are one type of ruminant livestock that is widely recognized in Indonesia. Of the many types of goats, here are some of them:

  • Boer goats
    Boer goats are goats originating from South Africa. This type of goat has a large and full body, besides that the growth process is fast. That's why this goat is used as a broiler/slaughter goat. The characteristics of Boer goats are wide and long body, short legs, long hanging ears, convex nose, brown skin and can protect its body from sunlight.
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  • Anglo Nubian Goat
    Anglo Nubian goats are a type of goat that originated in Africa. This type of goat has good meat and milk. The characteristics of the body are slender, good skin, shiny fur, long legs, long hanging ears, and a convex face and generally no horns.
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  • Saanen Goat
    In keeping with its place of origin, Saanen in western Switzerland, this goat is named Saanen Goat. These goats are difficult to breed in the tropics as they are very sensitive to sunlight. In Switzerland, this goat is the largest goat and is famous as a milk-producing goat. Its characteristics are short white or cream-colored hair, straight nose, triangular face, ears erect forward and a thin and short tail.
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  • Pygmy Goat
    Pygmy goats originate from the Cameroon valley of West Africa. These goats are widely used as pets because of their cute, funny shape and are known for their calm, friendly nature. When compared to other goats, Pygmy goats have a strong immune system against the weather. In addition, this goat can also breed throughout the year with a natural process.
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  • Tonggenburg Goat
    Tonggenburg goats originate from Eastern Switzerland precisely in the Tonggenburg Valley. This goat is a type of dairy goat. The characteristics of this type of goat have a body that looks stumpy, small ears stand up, most have a yellowish brown or dark dark brown color, the legs, ears and head are generally white.
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  • Kiko Goat
    The Kiko goat is a breed of meat goat from New Zealand. It is also highly intelligent compared to other goats. Despite its large body, this goat is also good at climbing because its balance can still be maintained, as a result of this intelligence, farmers there are often overwhelmed when caring for this type of goat because it likes to leave the cage by climbing the fence.
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  • Belgian Goat
    This Belgian goat is a descendant of the Chamois goat, this goat was first found in Belgium so the name is equated with the area where it was born, this goat has a small and long body as well as its neck, ears sticking up like a donkey, and a long small head similar to a camel.
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  • Murciano Goat
    Murciano Granadina or Murcia Granada originates from Spain. These goats are black or brown in color, with their ears and tail standing upright. The development of this type of goat is quite fast, they do not have a specific season for breeding. This goat is widely cultivated to meet the needs of the meat market and its milk is noted as the best milk producer compared to other types of goats.
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