Tips for Staying Healthy at Work

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Whether we realize it or not, the average Indonesian works more than 6 hours. The density of daily activities and the high mobility of life, makes most of us forget to maintain health while working. Not to mention the instant lifestyle and lack of regular exercise activities, making the body condition vulnerable to various diseases. This can be overcome in several ways such as:

  • Water consumption

A trivial thing that is often forgotten by workers is drinking water regularly. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, make a reminder on your smartphone or write down how much you drink water. Thus we do not forget how much water has been consumed.

  • Stretch between activities

If you sit in front of a computer every day or are used to a rigid working position for a long time, the chances of getting aches and pains in the waist and back will become greater. Make it a habit to stretch once every hour, either by standing up and stretching the muscles that feel stiff or by doing a small massage to create a relaxing effect.

  • Establish good relationships with co-workers

Stress levels and the intensity of work is one of the triggers for the lack of good interaction in the work environment. Say hello to your coworkers or have a light conversation, it can trigger the brain to produce endorphins that can provide a relaxing effect and keep the mood good. With good stress control, your immunity will also remain excellent.

  • Get the job done on target

Avoid dragging your feet when it comes to getting work done. Make it a habit to instill a sense of responsibility in every job you do. By doing so, you can manage your stress levels in prioritizing your work. In addition, it can allow you to rest with more free time.

  • Make it a habit to exercise
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Exercise is hard for those who are busy working every day. However, this can be overcome by getting used to taking 30 minutes for light exercise such as not using public transportation to a close destination.

Maintaining health in the midst of high work demands is a positive thing that needs to be instilled. Thus, work productivity can be optimized and the body condition remains excellent. As the saying goes, “prevention is better than cure”.

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