Remove the Scent of Garlic This Way

Garlic is very popular as a flavouring in many countries. In relation to health, garlic also has many properties, such as lowering cholesterol levels. However, garlic always leaves a distinctive aroma that is difficult to remove, affecting the smell of breath.

Here are some food ingredients that can be used to overcome this:

1. Mint

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The oil content in mint can defeat unpleasant odours.

Mint can be chewed directly in the form of mint leaves, mint gum, or served as mint tea. When using fresh mint, first crush a few mint leaves using your thumb and forefinger. After that, chew until the mint juice comes out to make your breath fresh again.

2. Sugar

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Sugar is a natural absorber of bad breath.

Take a teaspoon of sugar and swish it around in your mouth. Do not rush to swallow the sugar, let the sugar melt by itself in the mouth.

3. Fruits

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One common technique to get rid of onion-smelling breath is to drink fresh fruit juices that have a strong flavour such as pineapple, apple, orange, lemon, etc. It can also be chewed directly in its fresh state.

The polyphenols in apples (the enzymes that make apples turn brown after peeling) are natural deodorants that can break down the sulphide compounds in garlic that cause bad breath.

4. Spices

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Spices like fennel seeds, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, and cinnamon are some easy solutions to get rid of onion odour.

They can be eaten directly or used in powder form.

5. Spinach

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Like apples, spinach contains polyphenols that can break down the sulphide compounds in onions. Spinach and onions make an interesting combination as they make a delicious dish when cooked together.

6. Beverages and dairy products


Beverages such as tea and coffee can help get rid of onion-smelling breath.

However, don't overdo the coffee so that the onion smell is not replaced by the coffee smell.

Some dairy products such as yoghurt or ice cream are favourite desserts while helping to get rid of bad breath. This is because the fat contained in milk is effective in repelling odour.

7. Dark chocolate


Eating a few pieces of darkchocolate, is another way to keep your breath odour-free.

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