Preventing Viruses with Masks

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Recently, people have been busy looking for masks to protect themselves from the Coronavirus. This virus is found in the saliva of a sick person when he sneezes, coughs, or even when talking. Transmission occurs when saliva droplets are inhaled by other people around. Therefore, wearing a mask is recommended for people who are traveling to anticipate the transmission of the Corona virus. There are 2 types of masks recommended, namely surgical masks and N95 masks, see the following article for an explanation:

Surgical mask

Surgical mask is a type of disposable mask that is easy to find and is often used by medical personnel while on duty. Surgical masks can be used as an option to ward off the Coronavirus because they have a layer that can block saliva splashes from other people from entering your respiratory tract.

Surgical masks consist of 3 layers that have different functions, namely:

  • Outer layer, which is waterproof
  • The middle layer, which serves as a germ filter
  • The inner layer, which is useful for absorbing fluids that come out of the mouth.

It is not recommended that you use a mask without all three functions as it is not effective in preventing infectious diseases, such as coronavirus infection.

However, this mask is a little loose when used, allowing small particles or air to enter through the edge of the mask.

N95 Mask

N95 masks are also recommended to prevent transmission of the Coronavirus. This mask is not only able to block saliva splashes, but also small particles in the air that may contain the virus.

Compared to surgical masks, N95 masks feel tighter on the face because they have been designed to fit over the nose and mouth of adults. In children, the use of this mask is not recommended as the size of the mask can be too large to provide sufficient protection.

Despite its better protection, the N95 mask is not recommended for daily use. This is due to its design that makes it difficult for users to breathe, hot, and uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time.

The correct way to use a mask

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Surgical masks and N95 masks can be used to prevent exposure to the coronavirus. However, the benefits of both masks will be effective if you use them correctly.

Here are the guidelines for the correct use of masks for coronavirus:

  • Make sure you have washed your hands properly.
  • If you are using a surgical mask, make sure the outer side is green and the inner side is white.
  • Attach the mask strap well. If the mask strap needs to be tied, tie the top first, then the bottom.
  • Make sure the mask covers the nose, mouth, and chin perfectly. Also make sure that the metal strip is on the bridge of the nose.
  • Curve the metal strip to follow the curve of the nose until there are no holes left.
  • Avoid touching the center of the mask when applying and removing the mask.
  • Dispose of the mask in the trash and wash your hands thoroughly after using it.

Aside from all that, maintaining your health and immunity is equally important. If you have recently traveled to China or other countries that have been infected with the Coronavirus, you should see a doctor for a medical examination, especially if you experience symptoms of cough, runny nose, fever, and shortness of breath.


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