Medion Bersama UNPAD Gelar Studium Generale & Sharing Alumni

Medion collaborated with UNPAD’s pharmacist profession study program to hold Studium Generale & Sharing Alumni on August 30, 2023. This activity is a manifestation of Medion Care’s two values, namely continuous learning and mutual beneficial relationshipIt was attended by 102 students and raised the topic “Product Management: Revealing Pharmacist Role from Product Creation to Market Launch of Pharmaceutical Products”.

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Product Management Assistant Manager apt. Haikal Arif, S.Farm. became a speaker at the , a Studium Generale which took place in the auditorium of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Padjadjaran University. In his presentation, Haikal explained the role of pharmacists in generating sustainable innovation in product development and supervision. In addition, there was also an alumni sharing activity hosted by apt. M. Thoriq Zulfahmi, S.Farm. as Medion’s Product Management Staff and UNPAD pharmacist alumni. Thoriq introduced Medion as a livestock pharmaceutical company and shared experiences about his scope of work at Medion.

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This activity received a positive response from all participants because it can add new knowledge and insights. “Very inspiring! I know more about my role as a product management in depth. How products are developed and managed, from concept to launch. The material presented was very clear and not boring. I increasingly understand the important role of product strategy in the business world, especially in the field of veterinary medicine. Thank you Medion!”.

As a commitment to providing innovative and comprehensive solutions for all stakeholders, Medion continues to support activities in the world of education that provide tangible benefits to the surrounding community.

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