Hypervitaminosis Alert

Vitamins are additional nutrients needed by the body to maintain health. Generally, vitamins are obtained from the food or fruits you consume, but they can also come in the form of supplements in the form of pills, tablets, capsules or liquids.

Some people may feel that taking lots of vitamins will provide greater benefits to their health, but this is a misconception. Hypervitaminosis, or vitamin overload, can occur when a person takes excessive amounts of a vitamin, leading to health problems. Some of the vitamins most commonly associated with hypervitaminosis are vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin B6.

Impact of Hypervitaminosis

1. Vitamin A

Excess vitamin A can cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue, and even liver damage. In chronic cases, hypervitaminosis A can cause bone damage, dry and cracked skin, and visual impairment.

2. Vitamin D

Hypervitaminosis D can lead to elevated blood calcium levels or hyperkasemia. This can lead to impaired kidney function, bone loss, and the formation of calcium plaques in blood vessels.

3. Vitamin E

Excess vitamin E can cause the risk of poisoning. Large amounts of vitamin E cause blood thinning so your body is prone to bruising and bleeding. You also become easily fatigued, appear lethargic, and experience digestive problems.

4. Vitamin B6

Excessive consumption of vitamin B6 can cause nerve damage called neuropathy, which can result in tingling, pain, and muscle weakness.

Prevention of Hypervitaminosis

To avoid hypervitaminosis when taking supplements, take the following precautions:

1. Consultation with a doctor

Before taking vitamin supplements, it is important to consult a doctor or nutritionist who can advise on the correct dosage according to your needs.

2. Read the label carefully

Pay attention to the recommended daily dose on the supplement packaging and avoid taking more than recommended.

3. Balanced nutrition

It's best to get your nutrients from a balanced natural diet rather than relying on too many supplements.Apply a balanced nutritional diet by eating a variety of foods, ranging from fruits, vegetables, meat and eggs to fulfill your daily vitamin needs.

4. Watch out for symptoms

If you experience any suspicious symptoms after taking vitamin supplements, discontinue use immediately and consult a doctor.

Hypervitaminos or excess vitamins can have a serious impact on our health. Having an open-minded attitude and being responsible in taking vitamin supplements is an important step in maintaining a balanced nutrition and a healthy body.


  • https://hellosehat.com/nutrisi/fakta-gizi/kelebihan-vitamin
  • https://www.alodokter.com/inilah-bahaya-kelebihan-vitamin
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