Expanding Knowledge and Up-to-Date Information on Livestock Farming through Medion Training Program

Medion recently held its 222nd Medion Training Program from February 11 to 13, 2025, at the Medion factory in Cimareme, Bandung. The event was attended by 40 participants from various regions across Indonesia, including Blitar, Magelang, Lampung, Medan, South Konawe, and other areas. As part of its commitment to supporting the development of the livestock industry, Medion organizes this training regularly to provide added value to its customers by enhancing their knowledge and skills in livestock farming.

On the first day, participants were presented with a series of presentations by Medion’s expert team (Technical Education & Consultants). The topics covered included Feeding Management and strategies to achieve optimal egg weight. Additionally, participants had the opportunity to take a plant tour at the Plastic & Printing area to observe firsthand the production process of Medion products, which undergo strict supervision to ensure their quality.

Handing over souvenirs to participant representatives
Handing over souvenirs to participant representatives
While attending necropsy practicum
While attending necropsy practicum

The second day began with an educational session on the latest developments in poultry diseases, particularly Newcastle Disease (ND), Infectious Bronchitis (IB), and Avian Influenza (AI). addition to theoretical knowledge, participants were given the chance to participate in a chicken necropsy practice, guided by Medion’s expert team. This practical session received positive feedback from participants, who were eager to learn techniques for organ identification and disease diagnosis. At the end of the second day, participants enjoyed an evening tour around Bandung, visiting Jalan Cihampelas for shopping and exploring Alun-Alun Bandung and Gedung Merdeka. The 222nd Medion Training Program concluded with a trip to Tangkuban Parahu on the third day.

Throughout the event, participants demonstrated high enthusiasm, actively engaging in every discussion and practice session. Through this program, it is hoped that Medion's customers will gain knowledge that can be applied to improve livestock management practices, thus contributing to the enhancement of livestock productivity and health in Indonesia.

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