Effects of Water Deficiency

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Many still consider the function of water in the body as trivial. In fact, about 60% of the adult body and 80% of the children's body is fluid. The body needs at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water intake or the equivalent of 8 glasses per day. Then what impact will occur if our body lacks water? Here's the explanation:

1. The body gets tired easily

If the body lacks water, the body will feel unfit because the water that functions to carry oxygen and nutrients to all body tissues is reduced. In addition, lack of fluid can also inhibit the formation of red blood cells so that a person gets tired easily.

2. Dehydration

Dehydration occurs because the body loses more fluid than it gains, so the balance of sugar and salt substances is disturbed, as a result the body cannot function normally. If left untreated dehydration can lead to seizures and brain damage.

3. Disorders of the digestive system

The process of digesting food in the body requires water, both in the process of digesting and absorbing nutrients from food. If we don't drink enough water, we will easily experience constipation, and trigger various digestive diseases.

4. Impaired kidney function

The kidneys in the human body play the role of fluid filtration. In our body, useful substances will be absorbed by the body through blood circulation, while useless and toxic substances will be disposed of through urine. The filtration process in the kidneys requires water to work properly. If you experience a lack of fluid, the kidneys will work harder and dirt or toxic substances cannot be completely removed from the body. So it will be vulnerable to kidney stone disease, bacterial infections in the kidneys, even in the long term can increase a person's risk of kidney failure.

5. Prone to arthritis

Water is a constituent of cartilage and functions as a lubricant in the joints. If there is a lack of fluid intake, it can trigger joint disorders, such as rheumatism and osteoarthritis.

6. Skin disorders

As a result of not drinking enough water can also cause skin disorders, where the skin loses its freshness and elasticity. So the skin will look dull, rough, and easily damaged.

Source : dedaunan.com.

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