Abbreviations That Are Often Used But Not Many People Know What They Stand For

In our daily lives, we often use abbreviations without knowing what they stand for. Perhaps, we don't even realize that the term is an abbreviation. What are some of these abbreviations?


HVS is very familiar to us, because it is often used as a means of writing. It turns out that it stands for HoutVrij Schrijfpapier, which is Dutch for wood fiber-free writing paper.


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YKK is often found on clothing zippers. It stands for Yoshida Kogyo Kabushikikaisha or PT Yoshida Industri which is a zipper manufacturer from Japan.


In traffic reports, we often hear the term TMC. It turns out that TMC stands for Traffic Management Center, a computer technology-based support facility that helps traffic police in carrying out their duties.


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For those of you who are familiar with the internet, you will often find the word CAPTCHA before login into a site or an online educational programs account. CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans, which means a test to find out whether user the user is a computer or a real human.


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In this digital age, URL has become a common term. URLs are needed to name files on the internet, which are usually also shareable links. The abbreviation for URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator.


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