5 Ways to Avoid Hoax News

Do you often feel surprised or confused by the veracity of viral news from various sites, especially social media? A lot of news about an emergency situation can make us worry, but we tend to keep track of all the developments. Unfortunately, in situations like this many people often send fake news or hoax news, that spread without knowing the truth. Here are some tips to avoid hoax news, :

1. Check the source

When you receive news from social media such as TwitterLineWhatsApp, and others, try to see where the source of the news comes from. Sometimes, hoax news, only has the caption 'from the next group' or does not mention the source. Don't believe news that has no clear source.

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2. Anticipate Provocative Story Titles

Provocative titles are very common for article writers to increase visits or responses on social media and other electronic mass media. So, not infrequently, readers are tempted to read. Though not necessarily the truth of the news can be accounted for. To avoid this type of hoax news, readers are advised to look for the same news from other sources.

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3. Be Wary of the Images Submitted

Besides articles, the most attention-grabbing are the images that are shared. Be careful when you see images that are too creepy or phenomenal. Sometimes, the images are not of actual events, but rather taken from past events elsewhere.

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4. Don't Rush to Share

In today's social media era, everyone tends to want to be the first source to spread the news and without a second thought immediately spread the news received. Before that, it's better to make sure it's true.

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5. Read Thoroughly

Usually, hoax news, tends to be long and wordy with click-bait (sensational) titles. Many people are used to reading only the title and headline without reading the whole story. Before you spread it, it's better to check other sources or discuss it with your closest friends.

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Source: www.tokopedia.com

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