Photo with Training Participants

Medion actively provides knowledge and training about livestock both in theory and practice. This is done in order to realize its vision to give added value through quality and sustainable education programs.

In 2024, Medion hold the 219th Regular Training again with a series of activities to provide technical material and direct practice of chicken necropsy. This training was attended by 46 participants from various regions in Indonesia, including Sukabumi, Tasikmalaya, Yogyakarta, Batang, Lamongan, Bululawang, Metro, Payakumbuh, Sidrap, Makassar, and Kupang.

Presentation of Technical Material to Participants
Q&A Session with Participants

The activity, which was located in Medion, Cimareme, Bandung, was held for three days on February 20-22nd, 2024 and received a positive response and appreciation from the participants. For technical materials provided by Medion experts, as follows: Optimize Egg Production Performance during the Rainy Season, Mycotoxicosis Challenges during High Rainfall, Respiratory and Reproductive Diseases, and Herbal Potential for Optimal Productivity. In addition to technical material, participants were also given non-technical material entitled “Building Personal Excellence and Winning Competitions” which can be a motivation in developing their business or farm.

Direct Practice of Chicken Necropsy

As a closing on the third day, the participants were invited to enjoy one of the favorite destinations in the city of Bandung, namely Mount Tangkuban Perahu and shopping tours at the Cihampelas shopping center. Medion appreciates all participants who have been enthusiastic in this activity and hopes that more customers can take part and benefit from the Medion Training program.

Medion Holds Training in Early 2024
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