sterile solution for injection


  Horse, cow,
  Retarded growth
  Anemia during pre- and post- delivery,
     or during pre- and post- surgery    
  Anorexia (appetite loss)
  General listlessness, feed absorption
  • After or during recovery from illness
  Adult cow & horse:
  1 ml per 50 kg of body weight

  Calf, foal:
  1.2 ml per 20 kg of body weight

  Young & adult sheep:
  0.3 ml per 5 kg of body weight
  Swine  Dermatitis (skin rash) and poor fertility
  Adult swine:
  0.5 ml per 25 kg of body weight

  Grower swine, piglet:
  0.5 ml per 10 kg of body weight
  Dog  Nervous system disorders such as:
  distemper, paresis, joints disorders,
  anemia due to parasites
  Young & adult dog:
  0.3 ml per 5 kg of body weight

Inject Injekvit B12 intramuscularly (through flesh/muscle) on the thigh areas once per day or once per 2 days until desirable effect is obtained or as recommended by the veterinarian

Store in a tightly closed container, in a dry and cool place, protected from direct sunlight

Box        :  12 bottles  @   20 ml
Box        :  12 bottles  @   50 ml
Box        :  12 bottles  @ 100 mlFor veterinary use only
Under licensed veterinarian prescription

Indonesia     : KEMENTAN RI No. D 06061265 PKC.2
Vietnam       : MDI-38

Injekvit B12
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