Pneumonia, enzootic pneumonia, glasser, mastitis, metritis, and agalactia (MMA), atrophic rhinitis (AR), paratyphoid, colibacillosis and secondary bacterial, loss of appetite and fevers of unknown reasons.


For intramuscular or subcutaneous administration:
General: 1 ml/10 kg body weight, repeatable if necessary after 48 hours.
Shake well before use.
Do not inject on the same body part more than 20 ml for cow, 10 ml for swine, 5 ml for goat.


  • Stop giving G-Mox 15% LA inj 13 days before livestock is slaughtered for human consumption
  • Do not consume milk that has been milked within 3 days after injection
  • Stop giving G-Mox 15% LA inj in case the livestock show hypersensitive reactions to amoxycillin.
  • Store in a cool and dry place (temperature below 30ºC), protected from direct sunlight

Box : 1 bottle @ 100 ml

For veterinary use only

Under licensed veterinarian prescription

Indonesia : KEMENTAN RI No. I 18085602 PKC

G-Mox 15% LA inj
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