worms exterminator

Eliminate nematodes (Ascaridia sp., Oxyspirura sp.)

4-6 weeks old         :  1 capsule
above 6 weeks old   :  2 capsules all at ones

To obtain good results, give Cacing Exitor in the morning before the chicken were fed
To maintain health and egg production remain high, treatment may be re-administered every month
  or when shown any symptom of worm infestation
Stop giving Cacing Exitor 5 days before poultry is slaughtered for human consumption
Store in a tightly closed container, in a dry and cool place, protected from direct sunlight

Pack  : 50 sachets @ 10 capsules

For veterinary use only

Indonesia     : KEMENTAN  RI No. D 0604149 PTM.2

Cacing Exitor
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