Properties and Benefits of Duck Eggs

As a source of animal protein, duck eggs contain many benefits equal to or even higher than vegetable protein such as tofu and tempeh. Each duck egg contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, iron, sodium, and various vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and vitamin E. Therefore, duck eggs have the following benefits :

1. Keeping your eyes healthy

With a high vitamin A content (472 IU), a duck egg is able to fulfil the body's daily requirement of vitamin A so that it can help protect eye health from various diseases, such as cataracts and Age Related Macular Degeneration or age-related macular degeneration that can lead to blindness. Eyes that lack vitamin intake will become yellow, cloudy and no longer clear.

2. Fight free radicals and maintain the immune system

In addition to maintaining eye health, vitamin A is also beneficial in warding off free radicals and boosting the immune system.

3. Maintain healthy bones and teeth

The vitamin A content in duck eggs can also prevent tooth and bone loss.

4. Helps the body's metabolism and digestion

Vitamin E in duck eggs is very useful in helping digestion and improving the body's metabolic system. In duck eggs there are about 0.9 milligrams of vitamin E or equivalent to 3% of the body's vitamin E needs as recommended by experts

Vitamin E in the body can be used as a high antioxidant that is useful in warding off free radicals.

5. Helps the body produce hormones, enzymes and tissues and cells

Duck eggs contain selenium. Selenium is beneficial in boosting the immune system and helps the body in producing thyroid hormones.

Apart from selenium, duck eggs are also rich in protein. This protein is very important for the body to form tissues, cells, enzymes, and hormones. Not only that, protein is also very beneficial for repairing damaged skin, repairing cell membranes, strengthening cartilage, and helping to boost immunity.

6. Increase stamina for men

The high protein content in duck eggs is also useful in increasing male stamina and producing more energy. Therefore, men who have tough jobs are advised to always consume duck eggs.

7. Helps the body produce red blood cells

Duck eggs contain iron. Iron is useful in producing red blood cells that function in carrying and circulating oxygen throughout the body. Not only that, iron also functions in producing energy for the body.

8. Brightens the face

Duck egg white is very useful in removing dead skin cells on the facial skin so that the face will look brighter and more radiant. The method is easy. Simply apply the egg white to the face and 30 minutes later rinse using warm water.

9. Eliminates acne

Face masks from egg whites are useful for removing acne, black spots due to acne scars and also problems such as blackheads. To make a mask that is useful in overcoming acne, choose fresh and good duck eggs.

10. Moisturise hair

Duck eggs are also useful in maintaining the beauty of hair. The yolk is effective in moisturising the hair. Can be combined with avocado that has been crushed then used as a conditioner.

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