On October 7th, 2024, Medion welcomed a group of pharmacy students to its plant in Cimareme, Bandung. A total of 35 pharmacy students from various universities in Indonesia participated, including Bandung Institute of Technology, Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi Indonesia, Ahmad Dahlan University, Gadjah Mada University, University of Indonesia, Bandung Islamic University, Jenderal Achmad Yani University, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Padjadjaran University, and Islamic University of Indonesia.

The activities began with a plant tour, followed by presentations on Pharmaceutical Products by Annisa Novita Nurisma, S.ST, and Apt. Retno Widiastuti, S.Farm (Quality System Assurance). The presentation on Biological Products was delivered by Apt. Agung Setiawan Yahya, S.Farm (Quality System Assurance Assistant Manager). Subsequently, a case study was presented through a general lecture by Apt. Haikal Arif, S.Farm (Technical Manager of Ananta), focusing on the theme “Product Management: Revealing the Pharmacist’s Role from Product Creation to Market Launch of Pharmaceutical Products.”

To wrap up the event, students were divided into groups according to their university affiliations to engage in a Campus Talk with alumni currently working at Medion. This session included discussions on job insights, career opportunities, and personal experiences during their studies, aimed at preparing students for the workforce.

The event received a warm response from participants. One of the attendees, Ananda Dhuhwiandri Berliandin Putri, a student from Gadjah Mada University, remarked that the visit was highly beneficial for soon-to-graduate students, as it broadened their understanding of job prospects and career pathways in the pharmaceutical industry. Mazaya Auliya Fikra from ITB also noted that the information provided about the extensive pharmaceutical industry was engaging, and all presenters were highly interactive.

Through this initiative, Medion aims to enhance students’ knowledge of the veterinary pharmaceutical industry and illustrate the role of pharmacy students within the company.

Joint Visit of Pharmacy Students to Medion: Exploration of the Veterinary Pharmaceutical Industry
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