Increasing egg production in ducks

Increase and prolong egg production
Increase fertility
Prevent disease caused by vitamin deficiencies
Prevent stress

5 grams per liter of drinking water, then mixed into 2 kg of feeds (2.5 grams/kg feed)

Cleaning feed residue after 24 hours
Drug solution to be mixed into feed must be replaced everyday
Store in a tightly closed container, in a dry and cool place, protected from direct sunlight

Box                        :   40 sachets     @      5 g
                              :   30 sachets     @    10 g
 Glass                    :     2 sachets     @    50 g
Plastic container     :    10 sachets     @    50 g
                              :   10 sachets     @  100 g
Dos                        :   20 sachets     @  250 g
Drum                      : 200 sachets     @  100 g

For veterinary use only

Indonesia     : KEMENTAN RI No. D 0608800 FTS.2

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